Shepperd Photography
N. J. Shepperd - Free Lance Photographer

Over the years photography has been my passion. I’ve enjoyed many aspects from managing a dark room and creating brochures for Real Estate to documenting events and activities. While in Texas, my event photos appeared in several magazines, newspapers and on billboards. My work also helped our Tourism Council win state-wide awards. Several of my large PhotoArt canvasses hang in our community Library on permanent display.
I’ve also developed an intense interest in restoration of old photos and creating PhotoArt. I am a purist in my work and always try to stay close to the original look and content of each photo. If you have a camera and a computer and a little bit of time, there is no end to the creativity and photo subjects available to shoot and edit. Today everyone can be a photographer - thanks to cell phones.
Since retiring to Tennessee, I have taught photography at our local library and I am looking forward to exploring this beautiful state because all you have to do is pick up your camera and shoot.
If you have any questions, email shepperdphotography@gmail.com

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